The Woman Behind the Scenes of Change - Angie Perkins


A smile that radiates warmth, open arms, and acceptance - that’s how you’ll be met by the laudable Angie Perkins. A leader who wholeheartedly believes in the power of celebrating & elevating women and tirelessly advocates for marginalised people in her community and beyond. If you work in Western Australia, you may have had the honour of meeting Angie and feeling the contagious energy that she brings to any environment she enters. Always applauding others any putting them in the spotlight, you may not be aware of the critical impact that she has driven for women and children in our state. We want to change that today by bringing this incredibly modest human out from behind the scenes to garner some of her wisdom and delve into what drives her to continually contribute to society in such an awe-inspiring way. 

Working on the front line with women and youth can take an emotional on you individually. What motivates you to keep driving change?  

One thing that inspires me to keep working for change is knowing that change is possible and happening, but we have to work together, have tough conversations and persevere. Working with women who break through glass ceilings, stand up, speak out and join forces building each other up inspires me every day. It takes a village and I think my village is EPIC!

What is a hope that you hold this International Women’s Day? 
Despite the challenges we face every day, I am hopeful that my daughter has the same opportunities in this world as my son. 

Can you paint a picture of the world you’re working towards?
I want a world in which every woman is safe, happy and thriving - choosing their own path and following their own dreams. 

Do you have any strategies that assist you in moving through adversity whilst working on the front line: 
When I am faced with a hurdle I breathe, take a step back and think of another way to get over or around the hurdle. I come from a long line of amazing women and I never forget who I am and where I came from. Often a chat or a hug with any of those women usually solves any "hurdle" that is my way.

I don’t think I’ve had a single meeting with you where you haven’t praised about 100 different women so I have a feeling that you’re going to struggle picking just one… who is a woman that inspires you: 
I have a very long list and I think of them all very often. If I have to choose, I’d say my Nans, my many supports and mentors I admire them all for lots of different reasons. When I think about #ChoosetoChallenge I think about Jacinda Arden. She is one of my favourites because of her ability to connect with head and heart. She leads from the front with passion and soul and does not let anything stand in her way. She is authentic, challenges many stereotypes and cares deeply for her country -you can see it and feel it when she speaks and I admire that greatly. 

Angie is currently the Chief Operating Officer at Youth Focus WA. Her commitment to change spans so much further than the organisations she works for. We celebrate Angie in the lead up to International Women’s Day and every single day of the year. She truly makes our world a better place.

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